Daniel Whyte III Rebukes A.M.E. Bishops Over Israel

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Rebukes A.M.E. Senior Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Bishop Stafford J. N. Wicker, and The Council of Bishops of the A.M.E. Church Who Didn’t Just Stop at a Call For a Ceasefire, But HAVE CALLED ON PRESIDENT BIDEN AND THE US GOVERNMENT TO HALT ALL AID TO THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB–THE ISRAELITES

BREAKING NEWS! THERE IS A DEVIL LOOSE! Woman Who Started Shooting at the Largest Church in America, Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Shot 2 People and One was a 4 or 5 Year-old Child. The Shooter Was Killed by Police in the Church. Thank God For 2 Brave Off-Duty Police Officers Who Took Care of Business to Protect the House of God.

BREAKING NEWS! THERE IS A DEVIL LOOSE! A woman Who Started Shooting at the Largest Church in America, Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Shot 2 People and One was a 4 or 5-year-old Child. The Shooter Was Killed by Police in the Church.